How to Check SSL Certificate Expiry for Domains Using Node.js (Nodemailer, TLS)

Managing SSL certificate expiry dates can be a hassle, especially when handling multiple domains. Missing an expiration date could lead to security issues or website downtime. To simplify this, I’ve built a Node.js utility that automates the process of checking SSL certificate validity across multiple domains.

Check SSL Expirty Date using Node.js

In this blog, I’ll walk you through how to:
Check SSL certificate status for multiple domains using Node.js.
Automate expiry detection to avoid manual checks.
Send email notifications to admins when a certificate expires, using Nodemailer.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a complete solution to monitor SSL certificates and receive alerts before they expire. Let’s dive into the code! 


Before diving into the code, ensure you have:
Node.js installed on your system.
A GoDaddy, Gmail, or any SMTP email account to send alerts.
A list of domains you want to monitor.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implement SSL Expiry Checker in Node.js

1️ Install Required Packages

To begin, create a project directory and initialize a Node.js project:

mkdir ssl-monitor && cd ssl-monitor

npm init -y

Next, install the required dependencies:

npm install nodemailer dotenv

  • nodemailer – Sends email notifications.
  • dotenv – Loads environment variables securely.

2️ Set Up Environment Variables

Create a .env file to store sensitive credentials:


  • Replace SMTP_HOST, SMTP_USER, and SMTP_PASS with your SMTP provider details.
  • Set NOTIFY_EMAIL as the email where alerts will be sent.

3️ Write the SSL Expiry Checker Script

3.1 Import Required Modules

const tls = require("tls");

const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");

require("dotenv").config(); // Load environment variables
  • tls module allows us to establish a secure connection to check SSL certificates.
  • nodemailer sends email alerts.
  • .env configuration is loaded for security.

3.2 Define Domains to Monitor

const domains = ["", "", ""];

let expiredDomains = [];
  • Replace the domain names with your list of domains.
  • We store expired domains in expiredDomains[].

3.3 Function to Check SSL Expiry

function checkSSLCertificate(domain) {

    return new Promise((resolve) => {

        const options = { host: domain, port: 443, servername: domain };


        const socket = tls.connect(options, () => {

            const cert = socket.getPeerCertificate();

            if (!cert || !cert.valid_to) {

                console.log(`⚠️ Could not retrieve SSL certificate for ${domain}`);

                resolve({ domain, expired: true, expiryDate: "Unknown" });





            const expiryDate = new Date(cert.valid_to);

            const today = new Date();

            const isExpired = expiryDate < today;



            resolve({ domain, expiryDate, isExpired });



        socket.on("error", () => {           

            resolve({ domain, expired: true, expiryDate: "Unknown" });




What This Function Does:

  • Establishes a secure TLS connection to check the SSL certificate.
  • Extracts the certificate’s expiration date.
  • Returns whether the certificate is expired or valid.
  • Handles errors gracefully if the domain has no SSL or cannot be reached.

3.4 Function to Send Email Notifications

async function sendNotification(expiredDomains) {

    if (expiredDomains.length === 0) return; // No expired domains, no email needed


    const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({

        host: process.env.SMTP_HOST,

        port: process.env.SMTP_PORT,

        secure: true,

        auth: {

            user: process.env.SMTP_USER,

            pass: process.env.SMTP_PASS,


        tls: {

            minVersion: "TLSv1.2"




    let mailOptions = {

        from: process.env.SMTP_USER,

        to: process.env.NOTIFY_EMAIL,

        subject: "🚨 SSL Certificate Expiry Alert",

        text: `The following domains have expired SSL certificates:\n\n${expiredDomains.join("\n")}`,



    try {

        await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions);

        console.log("✅ Notification sent successfully!");

    } catch (error) {

        console.error("❌ Error sending notification:", error);



What This Function Does:

  • Uses Nodemailer to send an email alert to the admin.
  • Includes a list of expired domains in the email.
  • If there are no expired SSLs, it skips sending an email.

3.5 Check All Domains & Trigger Notifications

async function checkAllDomains() {

    console.log("🔍 Checking SSL certificates...\n");


    for (let domain of domains) {

        const result = await checkSSLCertificate(domain);

        console.log(`✅ ${result.domain} - Expiry Date: ${result.expiryDate}`);


        if (result.isExpired) {

            console.log(`❌ ALERT: SSL Expired for ${result.domain}`);

            expiredDomains.push(`${result.domain} (Expired on ${result.expiryDate})`);




    // Send notification if expired SSLs are found

    if (expiredDomains.length > 0) {

        await sendNotification(expiredDomains);

    } else {

        console.log("✅ All SSL certificates are valid.");




// Run the script


What This Function Does:

  • Loops through all domains and checks their SSL expiry.
  • Logs valid and expired SSL certificates to the console.
  • Triggers email notification if any expired certificates are found.

Testing the Script

Run the script using:

node ssl-checker.js

If an SSL is expired, an email notification is sent to the admin.

🎯 Conclusion

With this Node.js SSL monitoring script, you can:
Automate SSL certificate checks across multiple domains.
Prevent website downtime by identifying expired certificates early.
Receive email alerts when SSL certificates expire.

This solution ensures that you never miss an SSL expiry again!  

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